Let’s make my own blog

github pages & jekyll
for free

Install Requisites


# Install Ruby and other prerequisites
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

# set up a gem installation directory for my account
$ echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

# finally install
$ gem install jekyll bundler

Init Jekyll

# before init, clone remote repository (like $ git clone ...)

# create new jekyll site
$ cd ~/rokong.github.io
$ jekyll new .
# then repository like; 404.html  Gemfile  Gemfile.lock  _config.yml  _posts  about.markdown  index.markdown

# local preview
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
# running as

Manufacturing Basic Configuration


  • title
  • email
  • description
  • baseurl
  • url
  • twitter_username
  • github_username


Drafts are posts without a date in the filename. They’re posts you’re still working on and don’t want to publish yet. To preview drafts, run $ bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts command.

Install Theme

I found awesome jekyll theme in github repositories with #jekyll-thme. That is minimal-mistakes. I’ve already initialized my own repository, so I am going to apply theme by copy files, not through fork or Gemfile.

I will follow all steps like quick_start_guide in official pages.

Edit Gemfile

With bundler, resolve dependencies easily through editing Gemfile.

source "https://rubygems.org"

gem "jekyll"
gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
gem "kramdown-parser-gfm"

group :jekyll_plugins do

then execute resolve dependency by bundle clean --force, then bundle install. I can see dependencies in Gemfile.lock

copy theme files

# at first, clone theme repository
$ cd ~
$ git clone git@github.com:mmistakes/minimal-mistakes.git

# then remove unnecessary stuffs
$ rm -rfI .git .editorconfig .gitattributes .github docs test CHANGELOG.md minimal-mistakes-jekyll.gemspec README.md screenshot-layouts.png screenshot.png Gemfile

# copy theme files into repository
$ cp -r ~/minimal-mistakes/* ~/rokong.github.io/

then execute jekyll.


there are much things to configuration. Almost things are set directly with comments, somethings like awesome are left in _config.yml.

  • teaser
  • logo
  • comments
  • search


  • favicon
  • author profile location
    • hide author profile in sidebar on single layout.
  • some korean texts
    • through /_data/ui-text.yml and some _layouts
  • create Avatar images
  • write comments in footer (in new line)
    • in /_include/footer.html and _footer.scss
  • change category styles in category-taxonomy
    • in /_layouts/categories.html and _archive.scss

TODO list

  • About Pages (let me introduce myself)
  • Move author profile from left to bottom
  • Move top post info until under the title

Trouble Shooting

Page build failure

File to import not found or unreadable: minimal-mistakes/vendor/breakpoint/breakpoint.

When I first pull repository from github, .gitignore includes vendor directory. This interrupts building in github pages, not in localhost. The solution is remove vendor in .gitignore then commit and push again.

Change commit time

If I forget to commit on time (before date changes), I miss green zone on github activities.

$ git rebase -i @~3

# change pick to edit

$ GIT_COMMITER_DATE="Tue Apr 20 23:55:00 2021 +0900" git commit --amend --date="Tue Apr 20 23:55:00 2021 +0900"

# then commit

$ git rebase --continue
$ git push -f origin main